5 quick questions and answers about Europe’s Copyright Directive

Controversial Europe’s Copyright Directive is changing how the Internet works and there are some misconceptions about that.
On March 26th Copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives directive was passed in the European Parliament with 348 votes in favor and 274 against. Some publishers, artists, companies and editors say yes to copyright, but there are other voices-specially big platforms like Google or YouTube whose business model may change because of that. Polemic upload filters and link taxes will become a reality in EU countries, but also creators wanting to ensure their rights.
The European Parliament has compiled the most asked questions about new Copyright Law affecting all Member States. Here a quick summary to catch up and know what’s really going on.
1. What is the Copyright Directive?
The “Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market” ensures that creatives (for example musicians or actors), and news publishers and journalists benefit from the online world and the internet as they do from the offline world. It does not create any new rights for creatives and journalists but ensures and enforces the existing ones.